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Brexit has dominated the British political landscape since the controversial referendum in 2016 — and that’s understandable. The future relationship with the European Union will impact almost every facet of British life, but it threatens to turn the main political parties into single-issue parties. Perhaps this is most true of the Conservative Party, who made “Get Brexit Done” the slogan of their recent party conference.
The question is, where do they go after Brexit?
The ruling Conservatives — in charge without a majority in Parliament — have taken a further shift to the right under the leadership of Boris Johnson, whose main advisor is Dominic Cummings, the man credited with masterminding the shock Leave victory in 2016, and who has stuffed his cabinet with Leavers — many of whom favour a “hard” Brexit and leaving without a deal.
Though Johnson claims he wants a deal with the EU, some believe his actual plan is to present them with a deal he knows they will reject, forcing the country into an unavoidable “no deal” scenario.
Why is he pushing so hard to, as he says, leave on October 31st “do or die”?