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You Can Publish Your Kindle E-Book In Up To Ten Categories
When I was growing up self-publishing had a bad reputation. Indistinguishable from “vanity publishing”, it was easy to feel as though self-publishing was reserved for those without the talent to make it via traditional means.
That undeserved reputation still sticks with some writers. But honestly, if that’s your view you might need to change it. Self-publishing is not the preserve of typo-ridden nonsense and homemade covers done in MS Paint. Much of it is as good — or better — than what you get from traditional publishers.
Plus, you can make a good living. I know, I know, we’re artists and we don’t do it for the money. But I know of authors bringing in high four figures and five figures per month from their self published novels.
And sure, those people have years of experience and big back catalogues of titles behind them, but still — who’s to say that couldn’t be you in a few years?
Part of the attraction of self-publishing is that it’s easy. You can set up an e-book on Amazon’s Kindle store in literally minutes, and have it available for people to buy in hours. You could type “The End” and be getting sales hours later (though I’d recommend…